all bout me x)

Monday, August 27, 2007


hey try out this quiz..i can guarantee u tt u will <3 it

ok..will today was ok..muz pass maths!!!!
ok and i got 13/15 4 cool can tt be!!
oh well..took some pic..
hope u like it:)
crediting to abrie:)
credited to jedi...its hers:/

oh..i went to my aunt's house yesterday..and she has this dog which is a mixture of poodle and something...
ok well here r the pics:)

looks more like schnauzer...
okies..g2g go and study now..byes

Saturday, August 25, 2007

long time no tagg..u tht i mati??

yo!!..i never tag 4 a long time yea?? her to give a whole post(in detail) bout my week:)
sucked....and i donno y...:)

i don remember..juz remember...helped out in band's grad nite:)

school was boring..after sch went to somewhere near tab's house to buy foodie 4 home econs//was tiering..went with rae,tabs,aud,FY,lene..and daryl and dylan joined in...
oh yea guess wad some person cut queue..then i ask to go away..then he look at the wrong gross....!!and dad came back from US today..and bought me great things:)
he bought the CKin2U him and her..ahh!!..oh and 2 levis shirts..and a really expensive lip gloss..some pic:)

home econ..messed everything up....
then sch was ok..then after sch was with Dawn and Diana....and went to remedial...umm went home:)

At home at night i had doggy photo sessionbubbs all the way!!


i had science:)

i took a 's' pic
both made my liyana:)

and it was fun...hahaThen I had tuition..and it totally was not very good…oh and after sch met we had fun.. lay under the swind and swing the swing..took some pics:)and..i live in Aquarius by the park:)
my view..while lying down
and i spotted a mini rainbow
and builing+rainbow
and 1 more rainbow:)


Had Hindi sch..met vrinda..and had fun..then after recess *ahem* had stomach pain. and then she went home..then 1 HOD came and said the teachers toilet is always dirty. we should not do it and stuff!!

Then mom and dad picked me up..and went to grad nite..was fun..then had to go campus superstar thingy..took some pic..hope u like it:)..sorry pic are unclear

then had to go 4 campus superstar:) said already..pic taken of...u guess it:)ok at first i had to stand..then i went went to tabs...then spotted liyana in front of the cooller thingy..and stood there too..then felix came.he hid behind me to sms...lols...then saw sha holding a drink..from mac..then followed sarah to mac and bout 4 filix too..he asked..he pain 2 dollarsand i went around taking pic..the damn*ahem* would not stop moving...then everytime see ben..the the camera men will start moving like it was funny!!

blur sarah:)

lol and im here now chatting with clarence...and some other ppl:)
bb ppl

Sunday, August 19, 2007

im sad cause my dog is sad...

i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!!
i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!!

ok i love my i wet to the vet in pet safar cause my doggy had some TICKS on came on her cause she went to a groomer and there were ticks of other doggys..and she got infected..
so the doc cave her a vaccine...and the doc said she will be down and and wouldhave slight fever...and now she is sleeping on me...omg...i feel she is so delicate..i am so sad....
umm..ok going emo already...i saw a mini poodle in the pet safari..took 1 pic..
she has the same nose and eyes and bubbly:)!!!
there r u doggys here...juz seems 1:)
oh and mom were on our way to suntec city..but we ended up in marina..juz a few min..and we lost all the fireworks!!{damn}
umm..i donno wad building is this
a care in front of my car...
oo..this is a wheel of a nissan going...SIAO!!

ok im going now!!..byes:)
i love bubbly:)

heys,,im sad couse my doggy is sad....

Maroon 5: Wake Up Call

Maroon 5 - Wake Up Call lyrics

Good Charlotte - Dance Floor Anthem

Good Charlotte - I Don't Wanna Be In Love lyrics

Thursday, August 16, 2007

i ♥ tuba!!

hearing: walk away

i ♥ tuba!!
so was a ok day..
morning had to go 4 ok k
well it was more like murder..played captin ball and the guys played soccer..then later i played ice and it was fun..i was screaming my heads!!
later FY was like 'you noe every time Audrey come near u ..u scream super loud =)
then what happened was tt.. abrie would chase me and and auds would come in front of me..and she would catch me..and i would SCREAM!!

then it was CME!!super boring..recess eat then go up..during maths caught to eat the strawberry kisses..and got miss nur!!
then i had MT...did my work and everyone were doing a test..think its common test..then was science..also boring..then had lit...Mr wee was crapping alot..
when went home with bus she PS me..she sat where ^*$ $#@ were..nvm..heard song..walking super fast and off to then ate pasta:)
ok i am gonna post some pic:)
im HAPPY=) im random : im SAD =( idea credited to selene=)
i bought 2 new shirts:) nice!!!
earing with hands on them :)
donny foot print bracelet:)
doggy bracelet!!
another doggy bracelet!!
i can see nat's heart....FF had put it on him..lols

i cut my hair:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

today the okok day...

eat mee hoon in the morning..was ok ok...then off to school
waited 4 the bus for 10 min..the bus was packed..decided to take the next bus...(don wanna become a mashed potato tell i reach sch)
so the bus went....and someone came..chill ppl i am over suga..he is the past:)
ok so then went to sch and had fun.....i saw rea.and he was still behind me..sianz..the rea is like 'sky is behind me' and 'i was like clouds are above me!!'

in the hall
sat with sally in the hall..she is fun cant stop talking...MISS CHIA/MRS KOH CHIA
was on the mike and like called my name..and practically everyone looked at me..i stupidly showed her a ok embarrassing sia..

after tt got mother tongue..did a entry 4 visual diary
after that was history..kinda boring..not in a mood 4 doing much..:)
then was recess..was standing at the malay stall and beside me was %$^ @#$
and selene was practically like..i like his hair...i like his hair...and all of a sudden 'i like your hair'
i looked at her like so random..wad was she up to?..then saw him..then looked at her..saw him looked at her and turned in front as if i dint care..

then had DEP..wrote a bloggy entry on a paper..with Auds and Amanda.....i gave $1 to JJ 4 i string candy..then got another one 4 free and ate one..Jerry told us to stop...auds kept on asking jerry where his tom was..lols..

then was cme..nothing much
then was eng..the roll eve woman..!!!
then was band..ate lunch with sally and off to band...had to take care of 2 juniors..difficult jod sia..ok then FF and maggie came..wad a relieve..then practice 4 singsparation..and went home..ate dinner and did a science mid-year paper and currently blogging:)

ok g2g now byes:)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007



ok going siao currently..lols but YAY!!!

ok well today was a ok ok day!!
was late 4 sch...bus was late..agggggh!!
oh guess wad some one copies me in her bloggy with the 'aggggggggggggh'(alot of 'g')
no originality lah!!
ok back where i was talking..gave yvonne the thumb drive and saw *** ***
hu say he is cute..tabs u got me in trouble..i really think liane heard it wrongly..and so she tht i like him...eeee..i dont!!*vomit*
she tell him and now i am in a big mess!!
i am screwed!!!!

then had band...tom muz sit with lai he cried today..i wonder y..i juz hope he is ok...TUBA SECTION PPL ARE STRONG PPL...
then band has full week singsparatin..on thursday and friday im gonna be there!!
so embarresing..

ok g2g now..very late already
byes :)

Monday, August 13, 2007

gwen stefani - 4 in the morning

- Gwen Stefani Lyrics

Kelly Clarkson - Never Again

- Kelly Clarkson Lyrics

more songs!!!

Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder Full Video

- Maroon 5 Lyrics

Saturday, August 11, 2007

love songs!!

some songs you might like:)
Paramore-Misery Business

yesterday great fun!!

happy birthday vrinda!!!!

was super duper fun!!
in the morning everything went wrong

then went 4 hindi exam..and after exam got after getting and vrinda say manisha desperately trying to get shubit's but he was not bothered...


then later we were off to tampines mall
then we went to the shops near the MRT
vrinda is such a shopaholic... cant stop buying clothes
while she was buying rubbish i took out $20 from the bank..
then went to eat...and off to century square...we bought the ticket RUSH HOUR...cause the simpsions movie had finished...we had 45 min
so hang around and went to a hair salon named SUPERCUTS!!!!!
then we watched the movie and came back and cut our hair
the hair cutter was hair is thinner yet
vrinda's hair is also nice lah..
then we rushed home and eat food and sleep

and now im blogging...

i don wanna go to school tomorrow!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

happy late birthday s'pore

heys i am 1 day late..
i was super busy..
parents dropped to sch..THE GATE WAS LOCKED!!!
the gate keeper was not even there...F
ok..then its was raining too
but we managed to get in and we set up instrument played 1 song...and the lorry had reached
so i put my tuba back into its case sini helped bring it down cause i was holding 5-6 files and 3 stands..
then i put tuba's and percussion
walked all the way to the tamipes central park sorry vrinda couldn't talk>..and we performed and came back..we and Rachel were super tired
then went home and i had guest coming over in the evening
vrinda came for another house warming party..but ended up in my house..before eveyone came i went down with vrinda and talk and talk talk
then dad called and vrinda came up togather..then later we went down to duy a coke bottle and we also bought milo..vrinda dint like it..i ate it
then reached home and saw the long awaiting guy..his name is rishiv...dam hot and stong looking..but very gentle:)
talked like mad ppl
yea they went back home ..and i did have any interest in!!
ok g2g now byes

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

heya ppl...
i am not in a mood to right kies so juz gonna have pics
it was okok..we had assembly whink i had great
i went out with jean, clarissa to TM..hahaha had good fun me and clarissa were like hinding from jean...and 4 i donno wad reason jean was emoing...oo we went as jean wanted to buy some presents for like i think 5 ppl..
ok well ill post some pic taken

after this are pic taken at home...:)