all bout me x)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

happy late birthday s'pore

heys i am 1 day late..
i was super busy..
parents dropped to sch..THE GATE WAS LOCKED!!!
the gate keeper was not even there...F
ok..then its was raining too
but we managed to get in and we set up instrument played 1 song...and the lorry had reached
so i put my tuba back into its case sini helped bring it down cause i was holding 5-6 files and 3 stands..
then i put tuba's and percussion
walked all the way to the tamipes central park sorry vrinda couldn't talk>..and we performed and came back..we and Rachel were super tired
then went home and i had guest coming over in the evening
vrinda came for another house warming party..but ended up in my house..before eveyone came i went down with vrinda and talk and talk talk
then dad called and vrinda came up togather..then later we went down to duy a coke bottle and we also bought milo..vrinda dint like it..i ate it
then reached home and saw the long awaiting guy..his name is rishiv...dam hot and stong looking..but very gentle:)
talked like mad ppl
yea they went back home ..and i did have any interest in!!
ok g2g now byes


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