all bout me x)

Friday, July 13, 2007

random...all sort of rubbish in this post

my lang try guessing:)
में बहुत खुश हूँ ....... थिस इस थे बेस्ट दय ऑफ़ मय लाइफ...रोल्फ हः (हिंदी फॉण्ट इंग लंगुअगे )

अच्चा तो में रुक जति हुई वर्ण मेरे दोस्त मुझे दातेगे.....:))

ok back to english...sounds stupid..haha
well long time never blog..but its super great to be back

i wannna watch harry potter and Nancy drew....

aaaaaaaah.....i wannna watch it...
ok well i had a great time in my junior...1 super hyper....haha...
i am oesophagus addict!!! well addict is too much..juz okok lah..did see for like 2 days..tht rocks..i can get over @$#%!!!

me and rae have been smsin 'THE MAN' for 2 and cool
he did not reply!!!!!
[inside story]

got freaking detention 4 attire and grooming (selene

also get)

on thursday will have to stand outside the general

office like lunatics(sianz)

guess wad ppl thxs to the rohit, rahul, bhavin and back with manisha after 1 whole am flying in the sky...

of yea during recess diana and tabs were fighting over a stupid $2 note....on one wanna own the note...and i took it..and they say like screaming ' i wanna stop the #$@%ing cat fight....'
and there was the baldy head of my tuba section seeing...wad the...nvm
the in the end diana took the $2 note from me...haha
well i still hate her...she is a AUNTYor betta GRANDMA

nag nag nag until i wanna run from her..auds call her 'bitch'
well thats her image in our class wad to do??

then after sch me,auds, fang yi,abrie and clare were doing maths trail thingy...
i fang yi and audrey had to count the no of teachers in the board..countied 4 like 10 min or the end the verdict is 98 teachers 58 female and 40 male...

super fun to day juz feel like sleeping....(bad headache)



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