all bout me x)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

im sad cause my dog is sad...

i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!!
i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!!i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!! i love my doggy!!!!!!

ok i love my i wet to the vet in pet safar cause my doggy had some TICKS on came on her cause she went to a groomer and there were ticks of other doggys..and she got infected..
so the doc cave her a vaccine...and the doc said she will be down and and wouldhave slight fever...and now she is sleeping on me...omg...i feel she is so delicate..i am so sad....
umm..ok going emo already...i saw a mini poodle in the pet safari..took 1 pic..
she has the same nose and eyes and bubbly:)!!!
there r u doggys here...juz seems 1:)
oh and mom were on our way to suntec city..but we ended up in marina..juz a few min..and we lost all the fireworks!!{damn}
umm..i donno wad building is this
a care in front of my car...
oo..this is a wheel of a nissan going...SIAO!!

ok im going now!!..byes:)
i love bubbly:)


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