all bout me x)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

i ♥ tuba!!

hearing: walk away

i ♥ tuba!!
so was a ok day..
morning had to go 4 ok k
well it was more like murder..played captin ball and the guys played soccer..then later i played ice and it was fun..i was screaming my heads!!
later FY was like 'you noe every time Audrey come near u ..u scream super loud =)
then what happened was tt.. abrie would chase me and and auds would come in front of me..and she would catch me..and i would SCREAM!!

then it was CME!!super boring..recess eat then go up..during maths caught to eat the strawberry kisses..and got miss nur!!
then i had MT...did my work and everyone were doing a test..think its common test..then was science..also boring..then had lit...Mr wee was crapping alot..
when went home with bus she PS me..she sat where ^*$ $#@ were..nvm..heard song..walking super fast and off to then ate pasta:)
ok i am gonna post some pic:)
im HAPPY=) im random : im SAD =( idea credited to selene=)
i bought 2 new shirts:) nice!!!
earing with hands on them :)
donny foot print bracelet:)
doggy bracelet!!
another doggy bracelet!!
i can see nat's heart....FF had put it on him..lols

i cut my hair:)


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